Solo photo excursions

First up: lines and angles.


I struggle with writer’s block — accounting for my sporadic posts and overall lack of enthusiasm — and it’s affected my writing quite a lot. Paired with my general laziness, this combination has practically killed whatever creative streak I thought I had by creeping into my photography, too.


To combat this, I’ve had specific themes in mind while taking photos to better focus on subjects. I’m also revisiting solo photography excursions. I’ve got no qualms dining alone, but have avoided going shooting alone.


I prefer the company of friends/photographers while shooting (for good reason, too, I suppose) but the drawback is forgetting the contentment of one’s own company; I forgot what it was like to get lost exploring a place, and having no agenda.

I got frustrated being holed up at home one day and grabbed my camera, headed out and wound up with these.28943682_10160105543690627_75879413_o28944767_10160105543745627_903400864_o

— Sabaa

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