Inking it out, one by one

With a background in gender, development, and writing, I am at my best when I can research and write about something(s) I truly believe in (like human rights, educational equity and development), or something that piques my curiosity.
I fancy myself an amateur photographer and I enjoy writing, traveling, and constantly finding more hidden gems in NYC. I’ll be using this nook on the Internet to talk about things I love, find interesting, and think about (sometimes, a bit too much); whether it’s a record I can’t get enough of, a conversation that’s been on my mind, something that I feel passionately about, or even a sweater I’ve worn for a week straight — I’ll probably document it here.

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Solo photo excursions; part I

The next thing to tackle: nature. I still don’t understand the point to photographing plants – never really been my thing. I’ve been gravitating towards darker/moodier aesthetics, too. Florals are all but moody. Shadows, contrast, and a lower exposure seem to add a certain je ne sais quoi, but I’m a long way from becoming a…

Solo photo excursions

First up: lines and angles. I struggle with writer’s block — accounting for my sporadic posts and overall lack of enthusiasm — and it’s affected my writing quite a lot. Paired with my general laziness, this combination has practically killed whatever creative streak I thought I had by creeping into my photography, too. To combat…

Travel log: Liverpool day trip

On my final day up in the English northwest, I detoured through Liverpool for a day trip before heading back to London. An hour train ride from Manchester, and I was there. I planned the least for this trip – my rationale: it was just a day trip, surely I’d have enough Beatles things to see…

Travel log: Montreal

My first road trip with friends was to Montreal for Labour Day Weekend, 2016. I  had a good time and enjoyed being in the city, but I also learned a few things about traveling with a large group of friends on this trip. Four of us started off in NYC and drove up to Westchester…


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